marți, 20 octombrie 2020

Alana Youssefian / Vivaldi

Alana Youssefian and House of Time perform Vivaldi's Concerto in D Major RV 212 "St. Antonio"

Imposibil de gasit referinte biografice clare. Parintii, de origine armeana, emigrati din Iran (?) in Statele Unite. S-a nascut in New Jersey, a studiat la Juilliard School din New York, are 27 de ani...I se prezice o cariera exceptionala.

Rising star Alana Youssefian

A native of New Jersey, AlanaYoussefian, 27, attended the parish school, sang in the parish children and teen choirs, and listened to the Spice Girls with her friends. She holds degrees from Oberlin Conservatory, Rice University and The Julliard School, and she makes her living as a traveling soloist, performing Bach, Haydn and Vivaldi.

Rising star violinist Alana Youssefian has quickly forged a reputation as a sought-after soloist known for her engaging performances, fierce virtuosity, and passionate interpretations of works spanning the baroque era to the music of today. Ms. Youssefian was named an American Fellow of The English Concert and Juilliard Fellow of Mercury in 2018, as well as being named winner of The Juilliard School's 2017 Historical Performance Concerto Competition, in which capacity she performed Vivaldi's "Il Grosso Mogul" concerto with Juilliard and Nicholas McGegan at Alice Tully Hall. An audience favorite, Ms. Youssefian was recently named Best Recital Soloist of the 2019-2020 season by the San Francisco Classical Voice Audience Choice Awards.

    Her performances in North America and abroad have garnered acclaim in Early Music America, The Boston Musical Intelligencer, New Zealand Herald, BBC Music Magazine, and other publications. She has appeared in recital with Nicholas McGegan, Masaaki Suzuki, and William Christie. Her solo debut album, Brillance Indéniable: The Virtuoso Violin in the Court of Louis XV, produced by Swineshead Productions, LLC, was released in April 2020 on the Avie label. The album is currently under consideration for the 63rd Grammy Awards.

    Ms. Youssefian’s 19/20 season included many exciting solo performances throughout the US. Following performances of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in February 2019, Alana was invited to return to Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale for Nicholas McGegan’s final season, performing of Mendelssohn’s E minor Violin Concerto. She was also asked to perform a program of Vivaldi concerti with Ars Lyrica Houston, and Locatelli’s "Harmonic Labyrinth" Violin Concerto with Voices of Music. New York engagements included a Vivaldi concerto performance with House of Time, and two new programs of solo violin repertoire in January and April 2020. Her summer 2020 calendar included solo performances with Voices of Music at the Berkeley Festival & Exhibition and leading a baroque program at the Garth Newel Music Center. Solo invitations for the 20/21 season include a video recording of Alana’s signature Vivaldi “St. Anthony” concerto with Voices of Music, and her Seattle Baroque Orchestra debut with Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.

    While a student at Juilliard, Ms. Youssefian performed with Juilliard as concertmaster and soloist on several occasions, including their tours of India and New Zealand.  Residencies include Avaloch Farm Music Institute in Summer 2018, and Seabury Academy of Music from 2013-2018. Recent tours include US/Canada and Poland with Bach Collegium Japan. She is a member of Voices of Music, and frequently performs with Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale, Bach Collegium Japan, Trinity Baroque Orchestra, New York Baroque Incorporated, The Sebastians Chamber Players, and Teatro Nuovo as associate concertmaster.

    Ms. Youssefian studied with Marilyn McDonald at Oberlin Conservatory, and completed a master’s degree in Violin Performance at Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music with Kenneth Goldsmith. While at Rice she was selected to perform Berio Corale with the Shepherd School Contemporary Ensemble.  She most recently graduated from The Juilliard School's Historical Performance Program in Spring 2018, where she studied with Cynthia Roberts, Elizabeth Blumenstock, and Rachel Podger.  In her free time, Ms. Youssefian enjoys spending time with her husband Jared and their cats Jimmy and Django, reading Stephen King novels, and rocking out to The Rolling Stones.



Vivaldi Four Seasons: Spring (La Primavera), Allegro, Alana Youssefian & Voices of Music RV 269 4K

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