Colectia Torloni, cea mai mare colectie privata de sculpturi si busturi antice, a fost, in sfarsit, expusa publicului larg.
Expozitia intitulata “The Torlonia Marbles, Collecting Masterpieces”, deschisa anul trecut in Palazzo Caffarelli din Roma (parte a Muzeelor Capitoline), cuprinde 96 statui si busturi antice restaurate, datand din perioada sec.V i.e.n - IV e.n.
Colectia a fost infiintata in sec. XIX de printul Alessandro Torlonia, care a strans piesele mostenite intrun muzeu privat, la Roma, continuând traditia marilor familii aristocratice italiene (Borghese, Barberini Doria Panphilj). Conform catalogului intocmit in 1884, colectia cuprindea 620 de piese. Timp de decenii, tezaurul Torloni a ramas departe de ochii publicului.
In sec XX, statul italian a initiat o serie de discutii exploratorii cu mostenitorii familiei Torloni in vederea gasirii unei solutii privind expunerea publica a pieselor din colectie, de o mare valoare istorica si artistica. Discutiile, incepute in 1960, au trenat fara sa se ajunga la un acord, pana in 2016, cand s-a ajuns, in sfarsit, la o intelegere.
Expozitia de la Roma, care va ramane deschisa pana in iunie 2021, va fi urmata de un turneu international in mai multe muzee din Europa, Statele Unite si Asia. Din cauza pandemiei de Corona virus, se pare ca proiectul a fost amanat.
The Torlonia Collection is known as the most important private collection of ancient art in the world. It is an exceptional assembly of works: sarcophagi, busts and Greco-Roman statues. resulting from acquisitions of the most prominent collections of Rome’s patrician families, as well as from excavation finds made on the Family’s own estates. It is a collection of collections, which, over the various stages of its constitution, wrote the very history of collecting antiquities.
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The Torlonia Collection is known as the most important private collection of ancient art in the world. It is an exceptional assembly of works: sarcophagi, busts and Greco-Roman statues. resulting from acquisitions of the most prominent collections of Rome’s patrician families, as well as from excavation finds made on the Family’s own estates. It is a collection of collections, which, over the various stages of its constitution, wrote the very history of collecting antiquities.
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